The health and safety of our employees are of paramount importance and is our main priority, along with our network, suppliers and clients. We also take our role and responsibilities within the local community very seriously. In light of the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday (23rd March 2020) and in compliance with the latest Government guidelines, we would like to update you on the steps that Helios Fire Systems will now be taking to respond to the current Covid-19 pandemic.
There will be a safe and orderly ‘controlled shutdown’ of all sites, starting with immediate effect.
In accordance with Government guidelines, a significant majority of our employees will be classified as ‘furloughed’ for the foreseeable future of which the terms and conditions will be communicated to the relevant individuals in due course. If classified as a furloughed worker this means that the employee will be on the Helios Fire Systems payroll and will remain employed, rather than being laid off. In compliance with this scheme, employees should not undertake work while they are furloughed.
Helios Fire Systems is a vertically complex manufacturer and installer, as such during this period, a very limited number of employees will be performing critical safety operations in order to complete a safe and isolated shutdown. Strict social distancing protocols will be in place and stringently adhered to during this short period.
We have been in regular communication with all Helios Fire Systems staff and they have agreed to the actions that we are taking.
It’s worth noting that since the initial remote working initiative was advised by the government, all Helios Fire Systems employees able to work from home and able to perform in their roles are currently doing so.
We champion the government’s efforts in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and encourage all staff to comply with Public Health England (PHE) advice to ensure we can eventually return to normal operations after these challenging times.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards,
Garry Adey & Richard Hewitson
Directors, Helios Fire Systems Ltd.